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Red Kite Learning Trust



Overall Drama & Theatre Intent

Drama and Theatre at HGS develops young theatre makers who take creative risks and understand the power and importance of theatre as a force within humanity. Learners build diverse skills promoting equality for all.

Within the Drama and Theatre curriculum at HGS we are:

  • Promoting empathetic creative thinkers and risk takers who positively serve their communities,
  • Developing confidence and resilience, making students adaptable and employable in the 21st century,
  • Broadening horizons, opening lifelong access to the performing arts and engaging students in the wider world,
  • Producing theatre makers who create high quality contemporary performances and recognise the arts as a viable career opportunity.

Key principles underpinning the Drama and Theatre curriculum at HGS are;

  • To spark a love of learning and a curiosity to ask questions far into later life. Through guided exploration of issues and topics on a local, national and global level, we educate our learners about the world around them and encourage them to consider how they can not only be part of it but shape it too.
  • To deliver lessons rooted in academic rigour and incredibly high expectations. We subscribe to the viewpoint that Drama and Theatre should be viewed as a training that sits alongside any ‘core’ subject. From Frantic Assembly in Year 7 to Artaud in Year 8 and Stanislavski in Year 9, our students receive the highest levels of challenge throughout their study. We are unapologetic in the high standards demanded though a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Our curriculum champions diversity, allowing students to explore; the lives of refugees in Syria, the humanity of Malala Yousefzai and special educational needs such as autism (Curious Incident).
  • To show students that the performing arts are a viable career path and the transferable skills learnt will serve them throughout their lives.

Strengths of our curriculum and department are:

  • Excellently sequenced Key Stage 3 schemes which build solid knowledge and skills into Key Stage 4 and 5.
  • High levels of challenge, leading students to create sophisticated theatre with excellent KS4/5 outcomes. High quality teaching and learning from a team of experienced specialists.
  • Students are encouraged to be Respectful of others, aim for Excellence in their work, take Adventurous, creative risks, be Committed to their learning and Honest in their reflections.
  • Our development of rapid, targeted, live feedback and assessment.
  • The diverse range of quality pathways and extracurricular provision providing accessibility to all.

REACH values in Drama

RESPECT in Drama


For ourselves, our community and our environment. Demonstrating kindness and promoting equality.

Exploring social diversity

Collaborating with different people, acknowledging ideas of others, communicating openly and honestly

Listening and watching respectfully



Aiming high, being ambitious and striving for excellence for all.

Thinking with depth and breadth

Challenging self and audience

Being bold and brave

Using history to inform the future



Being enterprising, creative and thinking independently.

Having the confidence to express your opinion and participate

Exploring the issues of the real world and making them relevant to your lives and the lives of our audience.

Discovering future options and pathways; nurturing thoughts and fostering independence

Performing without barriers.



Demonstrating resilience and not giving up however challenging the endeavour.

Taking responsibility for your own learning

Recognising that challenge tasks have been set with the knowledge that you can all achieve.

Asking questions to further your understanding

Knowing there is never an end point – you can always strive for more.

HONESTY in Drama


Having the courage and integrity to be honest with both others and ourselves.

Being prepared to have your own opinions, and be willing to share your views

Giving and receiving targets and actioning your next steps

Trusting staff to do the same

Curriculum overviews

Drama – Year 10(pdf)

Created July 2024

Drama – Year 11(pdf)

Created July 2024

Drama – Year 12(pdf)

Created July 2024

Drama – Year 13(pdf)

Created July 2024

Drama – Year 7(pdf)

Created June 2023

Drama – Year 8(pdf)

Created July 2024

Drama – Year 9(pdf)

Created July 2024


Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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