- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
Main school prospectus
Please click on the pdf link below to download our Main School prospectus, if you would like a hard copy please email: mail@hgs.rklt.co.uk stating you would like the Main School prospectus and enclose your name and address.
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training