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Red Kite Learning Trust


Music BTEC

Curriculum Intent

It is our aim to foster creativity while building confidence and musical skills through the three main areas of music: performance, composition, and appraisal.

  • While building a wide variety of skills our key areas within music are:
  • Promote individual and stylistic performers
  • Build confidence, resilience, and determination in students
  • For students to understand how music exists in the wider world
  • Producing high quality and diverse music performances

Key strengths in Music

  • We are a passionate team of teachers, leading a body of students who love to make Music – who perform, compose, and appraise effectively and want to learn more all the time.
  • We offer a vast range of opportunities to perform across the year (Christmas Concert, Remembrance, Spring Concert, Harrogate Festival, Haworth Residential, Coffee Mornings, Battle of the Bands, BTEC Gigs, School Musical)
  • We use Year 7 as a leveller to make Music accessible to all regardless of prior experience
  • We have accessible extra-curricular activities (junior choir, school of rock) as well as ensembles which push our most able (Show band, jazz band, senior choir).
  • We fund PP students with learning instruments where an interest is shown to provide them with cultural enrichment and opportunity to pursue music beyond KS3 and the curriculum.
  • We make links with primary schools (primary orchestra day)
  • We utilise expertise within the department, focusing on teacher strengths and bringing in peripatetic staff with specific expertise

REACH values in Music

RESPECT in Music


For ourselves, our community and our environment. Demonstrating kindness and promoting equality.

Exploring social diversity (African drumming Y7, Samba Y8, Blues Y9)

Collaborating with different people, acknowledging ideas of others, communicating openly and honestly (Dance Ejay Y7, Minimalism Y8, Band Y9)

Listening and watching respectfully (Ukulele Y7, Band Y8, Band Y9)



Aiming high, being ambitious and striving for excellence for all.

Thinking with depth and breadth (Programme Music Y7, Samba Y8, Dance Music Y9)

Challenging self and audience (Ukulele Y7, Minimalism Y8, Film Music Y9)

Being bold and brave (Dance Ejay Y7, Garage Band free composition Y8, Song writing Y9)

Using history to inform the future (Carnival of the animals Y7, Classical music Y8, Blues Y9)



Being enterprising, creative and thinking independently.

Having the confidence to express your opinion and participate (African drumming Y7, Band Y8, Band Y9)

Exploring the issues of the real world and making them relevant to your lives and the lives of our audience. (Band Y8/Y9, Programme Music Y7, Film and Dance Music Y9)

Discovering future options and pathways; nurturing thoughts and fostering independence (Ground Bass Y7, Garage Band free composition Y8, Dance Music Y9)

Performing without barriers. (African drumming Y7, Band Y8, Blues Y9)



Demonstrating resilience and not giving up however challenging the endeavour.

Taking responsibility for your own learning (African drumming Y7, Samba Y8, Band Y9)

Recognising that challenge tasks have been set with the knowledge that you can all achieve. (Programme Music Y7, minimalism Y8, Song writing Y9)

Asking questions to further your understanding (Dance Ejay Y7, Classical Music Y8, Dance Music Y9)

Knowing there is never an end point – you can always strive for more. (all performance, composing and vocab outcomes)

HONESTY in Music


Having the courage and integrity to be honest with both others and ourselves.

Being prepared to have your own opinions, and be willing to share your views (Peer assessment of outcomes after listening to performances)

Giving and receiving targets and actioning your next steps (Ukulele Y7, Band Y8, Band Y9)

Trusting staff to do the same

In Music you will explore social diversity, collaborate with different people and acknowledge the ideas of others whilst communicating openly and honestly. You will be able to listen and watch respectfully. You will think with depth and breadth whilst challenging yourself and the audience. You will be bold and brave as you explore history and how it can inform the future, investigating the issues of the real world and making them relevant. You will have the confidence to express your opinions and participate, discovering future options and pathways whilst nurturing thoughts and fostering independence. You will take responsibility for your own learning, ask questions to further your understanding and be ambitious as you continue to strive for more. You will give and receive targets and develop the skills to independently action your next steps.

Curriculum overviews

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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