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Red Kite Learning Trust
Row of students listening to sports leaders


PE and Sport faculty

Overall PE intent

  • The mission of the HGS PE faculty is to provide students with opportunities and experiences that engender a lifelong interest in physical activity and promote the benefits of participation in sport.
  • PE has the unique in its ability to develop the ‘whole’ person, establishing skills such as leadership, teamwork and communication, as well as self-esteem and resilience.
  • We strive for excellence for all by providing varied and engaging opportunities in which to develop our students’ sporting interests and knowledge, and through outstanding lessons, inspire and motivate all regardless of ability. Whether through recreational or competitive sport, or academic PE; HGS students will leave school equipped with an understanding of the important roles sport and physical activity play in a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and with the knowledge and skills to pursue them for recreation or career.
  • In KS3 Students have the opportunity to develop techniques, skills, strategies and tactics in a range of sports. Overtime this enables students to reach a high level of sports performance that promotes further sports study at level 4 and 5.
  • At KS4 there is a very board curriculum design that offer pathways for all students, This maximising engagement, engendering a lifelong commitment to sport and wellbeing.
  • All students have the opportunity to participate in an extremely wide range of extracurricular activities, both competitive and recreational resulting in high sporting engagement.

Golden thread themes: Sporting values.

Key skills: Develop physical literacy, leadership, teamwork, communication, resilience.

Significant changes made recently:

  • Explicit vocabulary teaching for enhanced student communication and linked learning.
  • Based on research from Sports England ‘Under the Skin’ students are now assigned activity groups based on their attitude to sport.

Key strengths within PE & Sport

  • Teacher subject knowledge and enthusiasm for sport participation.
  • Feedback and questioning – targeted for challenge and support.
  • Production of targeted resources that meet the needs of all students.
  • Support and encouragement of disadvantaged students.

REACH values in PE

RESPECT in PE means…

Caring for your own mental, physical and social well-being

Understanding that the views and decisions of others may be different from yours and accepting their right to hold different opinions

Behaving in a way that allows others to learn and enjoy their lessons

Ensuring equipment, facilities and the environment are looked after

Supporting others in a thoughtful and considerate way, understanding that their challenges may differ from yours


Being effective in applying a range of skills in a range of contexts

Assisting others in their pursuit of excellence

Endeavouring to produce the highest quality of work at every opportunity

Being organised, punctual and prepared

Striving to improve in each lesson, always working towards a goal

ADVENTURE in PE means…

Being open to trying new activities and new methods of practice, accepting that every failure is a learning opportunity

Moving outside of your comfort zone and confidently facing new situations and challenges

Playing a part in each lesson, by participating in whatever way possible

Being willing and eager to work with others with whom you may not otherwise have the opportunity to work

Having the courage to apply newly learned skills in challenging situations and accepting that resilience will be needed


Participating fully and enthusiastically in every lesson and communicating in good time when this may not be possible

Working hard towards personal and collective goals and helping others to achieve their own goals

Being aware of what is required to succeed in PE and sport and endeavouring to meet challenges with determination

Approaching each lesson or training session with an open mind and a determination to develop knowledge, understanding and skills

Taking an interest in sport beyond school, through extra-curricular, local clubs and televised sport

HONESTY in PE means…

Being able to evaluate your own and others performance, effort and contribution in a sincere and productive way

Adhering to the rules and etiquette of the activity and environment

Communicating openly with teachers, peers and coaches

Curriculum overviews

BTEC Sport - Year 10(pdf)

Created October 2024

BTEC Sport – Year 12(pdf)

Created October 2022

BTEC Sport – Year 13(pdf)

Created October 2022

GCSE PE - Year 10 & 11(pdf)

Created October 2022

PE Curriculum map GCSE(pdf)

Created October 2022

PE journeys – Year 7(pdf)

Created October 2022

PE journeys – Year 8(pdf)

Created October 2022

PE journeys – Year 9(pdf)

Created October 2022

Faculty staff

Director of Sport

  • Mr Tom Ryder

Programme Leader

  • Mr Chris McDonald

Assistant Programme Leader

  • Miss Jillian Skidmore

PE & Sport Teachers

  • Miss Francesca Bakes
  • Mr Sam Crawshaw
  • Ms Kelsey Hodgson
  • Mr Chris McDonald
  • Mr Andy McIntyre
  • Miss Anna Ross
  • Mr Tom Ryder
  • Miss Jillian Skidmore
  • Mrs Megan Softley
  • Ms Alex Wallace

PE Technicians

  • Ms Kirsty Allan
  • Mr Tom Steene

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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