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Red Kite Learning Trust


Careers Education and Guidance

Careers Education and Guidance is delivered to all students in Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Sixth Form. The programmes for delivery to Years 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 are separately organised from the Year 12 & 13 programmes, where the responsibility for their management rests with the Sixth Form Leadership Team and Student Advisers.

Please click here to for Sixth Form Progression.

The delivery of the careers programme for students in Years 7-11 is through ‘The Big Picture’  Personal Development programe Guidance lessons which are delivered by Form Tutors along with inputs from Independent Careers Adviser, the Personal Development Coordinator, Year Leaders, assemblies, careers themed super learning days, external visitors such as employers and guest speakers.

The objectives of our careers programme are to

  • Provide comprehensive information and advice
  • Raise aspirations
  • Actively promote equality of opportunity and challenge stereotypes
  • Help students to progress
  • Empower students to plan and manage their own futures
  • Respond to the needs of each learner
  • Ensure that all students have the knowledge and understanding required in order to choose between learning options when planning for their future

The programme for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 serves to enable young people to make informed decisions about their options and ultimately their futures. In order to do this the following objectives are set out and the depth of study increases as students progress throughout the school

  • Understand themselves and the influences on them
  • Investigate opportunities in learning and work
  • Make and adjust plans to manage change and transition

In addition, the programme for Years 10 & 11 becomes more specific as the school aims to support students through the transition of post 16 careers and in doing so the following objectives are set out

  • Raising students’ self awareness
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses
  • Increasing occupational opportunities awareness
  • Developing planning skills
  • Facilitating work experience. preparing for 16+ options
  • Investigating 16+ study skills & promoting the notion of lifelong learning

Evaluation, Monitoring and Review

The careers programme at HGS is constantly evolving and improving as we look closely at the needs of our students and how we can best meet them. The careers department development plan and policy is reviewed and evaluated annually and destination data enables us to monitor the progression of our students and the impact of the CEIAG provision. Ongoing feedback and evaluations will also be gathered during the year as we recognise the important role that students and parents have in shaping a child’s career development and the responsibility we have as a school to provide an aspirational, supportive and effective careers programme for all.

The following documents provide further information about the Careers Education and Guidance programme at HGS:

Personal Development - The Big Picture

Careers Education at HGS information leaflet

Careers Entitlement Statement

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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