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Red Kite Learning Trust



Overall History Intent: 

  • Historians at HGS have an inquisitive mind and an eagerness to embrace complex ideas. 
  • HGS historians explore the diverse stories of the past, link events and draw parallels with the present.  
  • HGS historians use their analysis of evidence as the foundation for articulating their own interpretation of the past. 

Key strengths of the curriculum

History at HGS broadly follows the national curriculum, with some deviation. 

  • From the beginning of Year 7, students are exposed to historical scholarship, encouraged to read appropriately challenging extracts from the writing of historians and interrogate historical evidence including artefacts.  
  • Students are exposed to a range of historical skills including analysing historical interpretations and sources which build incrementally across KS3 allowing students to face the challenges of KS4 with success and independence. The curriculum is the progression model.  
  • The sequencing of curriculum at all key stages is designed to reinforce chronology and broaden understanding of substantive concepts to create a web of knowledge that students can draw on. 

Golden thread themes include – power, conflict and co-operation, diversity, religion, revolutionary ideas, rights and social themes. 

Key strengths within History 

  • Unity of purpose and vision within the teaching staff 
  • Teacher subject knowledge  
  • Questioning – targeted for access and challenge for all. 
  • Careful modelling  
  • Production of targeted resources to meet the needs of all students 
  • Presence of strategies to promote depth of long-term knowledge retention

REACH values in History

RESPECT in History


Acknowledging the views of those in the past, even when you may not agree with them

Showing maturity and kindness when studying the lives of real people

Being thoughtful, kind and considerate towards each other and the different views of everyone in your class



Interrogating sources and challenging historical interpretations

Justifying your opinions with support from historical evidence

Expressing considered judgements and creating your own interpretation of the past

Making links between ideas and events to understand the ‘big historical picture’

ADVENTURE in History


Having a willingness to embrace complex ideas and unfamiliar worlds

Having the confidence to express your own opinions and interpretations of the past

Having an open and inquisitive mind and exploring the ideas and events that we have studied outside of your classroom.


History means…

Attending every lesson with a willingness to explore the stories of the past

Being independent and responsible for your own learning – inside and outside of your classroom

Putting in your full effort both in class and at home and striving for excellence in everything you do

Showing resilience and persevering when investigating complex ideas and concepts

Developing your historical knowledge so that you can engage in genuine historical debate

HONESTY in History


Considering local, national and global ideas and events to gain a sense of your own history

Being prepared to change your opinion based on new information and evidence

Knowing that the work that you produce in history is your best effort

Using your historical knowledge to draw parallels with the present

Curriculum overviews

Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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