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Outstanding Grade
We are extremely proud to announce OFSTED awarded Harrogate Grammar School ‘Outstanding’ in all five areas of the framework in March 2022, please click on the link below to view the full report:
Neil Renton, Headteacher, said;
“We would like to thank our students for their commitment and engagement to our school not only during the inspection, but also over the challenging few years of disruption that they have faced.
We would also like to thank parents for their continued support and look forward to further working with our community to deliver our core purpose of excellence for all.
We would like to thank our staff who give such exceptional service to our school and thank our governing body for their challenge and support. Finally, we would like to thank colleagues across our Trust who provide support to Harrogate Grammar School in so many ways.
It makes us very proud to see the exceptional commitment that we experience every day from our community, being recognised in this way.”
Chair of Governors, added;
“The Ofsted report captures so clearly what takes place each and every day at the school. Harrogate Grammar School is indeed an extremely rewarding place to learn. Governors look forward to supporting and challenging the school so that we develop even further, pioneer and continue to deliver excellence for all.”
Chief Executive Officer of the Red Kite Learning Trust, Richard Sheriff, said;
“Students benefit from an exceptional curriculum at Harrogate Grammar School. Our dedicated team of staff, remarkable young people and the support of our local community, over many years, have all contributed to such an incredibly positive outcome. I look forward to seeing the school continue to nurture ambition, deliver excellence and enrich children’s lives”.
Quotations from the OFSTED Inspection
“Harrogate Grammar School is an extremely rewarding place to learn. Pupils benefit from an exceptional curriculum.”
“Effective teaching and assessment enable pupils to learn well. This depth of knowledge is sustained from key stage 3 to the sixth form.”
“Through sports, outdoor pursuits and performance opportunities, pupils develop their skills and self-confidence. Pupils are articulate and polite. They are keen to engage in discussion and debate.”
“Teachers make sure that pupils’ views are heard.”
“The sixth form curriculum is exceptional. Students access an extensive range of subjects.”
“Pupils are attentive to their teachers and to one another. They listen to different opinions and evaluate arguments. Pupils attend well and behave very well. Teachers build an atmosphere of courtesy and respect.”
“Pupils’ personal development is as important as their academic progress. Through the ‘Big Picture’ programme, pupils are taught about equality and diversity.”
“The headteacher has built a very strong team of leaders at all levels. Leaders demonstrate clear moral purpose in their actions.”
“Leaders maintain a constant focus on the safety and well-being of pupils. Pupils feel safe because of the supportive environment built by staff.”
Read the letter from the Regional School Commissioner regarding Ofsted
- Welcome from the Headteacher
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- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
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- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
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- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
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- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training