- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
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- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training
Curriculum links
Design lessons – examples
Using and reducing waste in Art
In Art lots of the schemes and individual pieces revolve around recycling. An aim is to try to use recycled things as a default. The Art Department purchases lots of equipment and materials from scrap which is a recycled, from a cooperative based in Leeds. The department also takes donations from people of papers fabric and magazines etc., which reduces landfill.
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- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Admissions
- Ethos, Values and Expectations
- Governance
- Staff
- Policies
- Results and destinations
- Ofsted
- Reading at HGS
- Safeguarding
- Equalities and accessibility
- Diversity and Reach Out
- Wellbeing and Mental Health
- Facilities and venue hire at HGS
- Prospectus
- History of HGS
- Celebration of Achievement
- Computing Hub
- Eco-Schools
- iPads for Learning
- Maths Hub
- Our services
- Vacancies
- Red Kite Learning Trust
- Teacher Training