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Red Kite Learning Trust


Combined Science

REACH values in Science

RESPECT in science means…

Following health and safety rules for working in science laboratories.

Taking care of the laboratory and the equipment in it and ensuring that equipment is returned at the end of all practical work.

Being thoughtful, kind and considerate to other students and listening to their contributions and questions.

EXCELLENCE in science means…

Developing a deep understanding of scientific concepts studied and being able to apply knowledge to unfamiliar situations.

Linking together scientific concepts from different topic areas.

Analysing and evaluating scientific evidence from a range of sources

ADVENTURE in science means…

Actively participating in practical tasks and contributing to the collection of results

Having an innate curiosity about the subject and exploring the impact of science on the world around us.

Being prepared to ask questions that go beyond the scope of the curriculum.

COMMITMENT in science


Taking responsibility for our own learning

Not giving up when learning is hard

Taking on board feedback given by teachers and using it to improve your understanding.

HONESTY in science means…

Being prepared to have our own opinions, and be willing to share our views on the social, economic and environmental impact of science.

Being able to hand work in with pride, knowing that we have given it our best.

Self-assessing work using criteria and mark schemes given.

Curriculum overviews


Harrogate Grammar School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH